
Attendance Policy


Bounty Boulevard State School is committed to promoting the key messages of the Queensland State­‐wide initiative Every Day Counts.

Every Day Counts in Prep because…

  • going to Prep every day makes sure all Queensland children get the most out of their important first year of school Prep gives children a head start for Year 1
  • going to Prep every day improves children's reading, writing and maths
  • going to school every day builds a positive approach to learning going to school every day strengthens your child's independence and confidence.

Every Day Counts at school because…

  • children achieve better when they attend school all day, every day 
  • because going to school means getting a better chance at life
  • because school helps children build social and emotional skills such as communication, teamwork and resilience
  • because going to school is a legal requirement.


It is important that students, staff and parents/carers have a shared understanding of the importance of attending school. At Bounty Boulevard State School, we are committed to achieving the following targets in improving and maintaining attendance:

  • A 94% average attendance rate for students across all year levels.


School responsibilities: 

  • Regularly inform students, staff and parents/carers about the Bounty Boulevard State School Attendance Policy and make this publicly available through the school's website and enrolment package.
  • Monitor student attendance daily through marking the roll at the beginning of each day and at the beginning of the final session of the day, every day, using OneSchool.
  • Notify parents/carers of any unexplained absence, requesting a satisfactory explanation for the child's absence.
  • Notify the Executive Team when concerned that the explanation for student absence is unsatisfactory.
  • Discuss individual attendance with students and offer support and help to parents and students when school attendance has become a problem.
  • Provide students with school work when they are absent for legitimate extended periods of time.
  • Archive all communication related to student absence.
  • Notify the Executive Team if non-­‐attendance persists.
  • Monitor student absences and identify when a student is absent for three or more consecutive days, or where there is a pattern of persistent unexplained absences, or where a student's attendance rate is reasonably considered unsatisfactory.

Student responsibilities:

  • Under the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006, students must attend school each day. They must be on time and have all necessary equipment.
  • Never leave school during school hours without permission from parents/carers or the school and without obtaining an appropriate Early Departure Slip from the office.
  • Report to the office if arriving to school after 8:55am and provide a note or explanation from parents/carers explaining their lateness. 
  • Ensure all missed school work is completed. 
  • Regularly discuss attendance with their class teacher.

Parent/Carers responsibilities:

  • Ensure that their child attends school on every school day for the program in which they are enrolled.
  • Provide a satisfactory explanation for all absences, that is, any time during which a student is not attending or participating in their educational program.
  • Contact the school prior to any planned absence. Where this is not possible, parents must provide the reason for any absences prior to 10:00am on the day of absence, or within 2 days of the student's return to school. This may take the form of a medical certificate or a satisfactory explanation for the absence.
  • Contact a member of the Executive Team if student absence is to be for an extended period of time (eg family reasons or illness) and request school work.
  • Contact a member of the Executive Team if a student is refusing to attend school. Initiate or attend meetings to seek support and discuss their child's attendance or participation in their educational program.
  • Provide a written note (signed and dated) or an email to the class teacher, if their child requires a Early Departure Slip to leave school early.
  • Provide a written not (signed and dated) from parents/carers explaining their lateness.

Advise the school of any change of address or phone numbers to ensure school records are accurate. Up to date contact details are essential in an emergency

Last reviewed 28 March 2025
Last updated 28 March 2025