Our school Library is known as the Learning Innovation Centre (LIC). Our LIC is a fun learning space for children to engage in literacy during whole-class focussed reading lessons, as well as in their own time.
The LIC's key focus is to promote a love for reading. To encourage reading, each term the school's 'Top 5 Borrowers' in addition to a 'Home Reader Hero' from each class are acknowledged.
The LIC is open at 8:20 am in the morning for borrowing and quiet independent reading and is also open after school until 3:15 pm for borrowing. Students can also swap a book at our Book Swap before and after school. Parents and carers are invited to visit the LIC with their children.
The LIC is open at both break times for the junior school and at first break for the senior school. Throughout the year, there are activities arranged for students to participate in - centred around significant educational events such as National Simultaneous Storytime, Science Week, Australian Reading Hour and Harmony Day.
Book Week is our most celebrated time of the year in the LIC and is a week-long festivity of reading. Other significant events organised by the LIC include the Premier's Reading Challenge and Book Fairs in Term 1 and 3.
Students who have a mobile phone device can come to the LIC before school to sign their phone in so that it is safe throughout the day. Students can then collect their phones again from the LIC after school.